Huge Magic: the Gathering Live Sell Hauls, Pack Wars & Wanpipty Booster Packs

The chances, I always aim for the chances. That is maybe the main reason why I still stick to opening booster packs such as set boosters from old release sets as I am on the main objective on that: the chance to open the good cards, Wandering Emperor, Meathook Massacre, etc. Going with the calculations, the chances of Mythics in a booster box is already low enough, much more on the specific card such as those mentioned.

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Magic: the Gathering Set Boosters Probability: Hit or Miss on the Good Cards?

The opening of the Magic: the Gathering Set Booster packs on live sell is still ongoing for me despite our Standard card pool in almost 100% complete. This might be on testing my luck despite some of these other cards being already available and on hand. Maybe with the chance of selling them to the other players in the community? Or just to collect the extras in preparation for the next Standard rotation? Or maybe it is just The List cards in these set booster packs that I am trying to hit?

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Trying my Luck on a Bunch of Random Magic: the Gathering Set Booster Packs

Being branded with luck in simple ways such as opening a Magic: the Gathering booster pack and getting good cards are quite rare. There are factors such as probability in the ways where a certain good Rare or Mythic card is found in that particular booster in a specific location in the box.

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Magic: the Gathering – A Futile Attempt to Hit that Meathook Massacre Card

Buying a few Magic: the Gathering booster packs and hoping to hit the good value cards of that set is more of plainly very lucky. If not, then it is just a futile attempt. That is because the chances of pulling the cards depends on what cards were already opened from the other booster packs. If it is a freshly-opened box, then there is a ratio of a certain pack that will have that card.

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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Set Booster vs Draft Booster Pack Battle

I have tried doing the Magic: the Gathering booster packs battle as other MTG vloggers do in their videos but because of monetary budget constraints, it is only limited to three packs per batch. I am doing this now for the latest set Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty and most people know that set boosters are very popular and on-demand because of their features of art cards and guaranteed foils.

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Trying my Luck with Standard Previous Sets Booster Packs

My Magic: the Gathering booster pack order from last week arrived yesterday at the office, so I had to get it before lunchtime when the courier arrived. This batch of packs consists of 2 Stryxhaven Draft boosters and 3 Kaldheim Set boosters, and I purchased them via their online store on Facebook. They have posted a discounted price of the packs, which convinced me to do an order.

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