Magic: the Gathering Crimson Vow Standard: Identifying the Metagame

As we check each weekend for the Magic: the Gathering Standard tournaments online and the recent face-to-face tournaments, we know which of the top deck archetypes made some adjustments to gain the advantage of the metagame. Preparing for these events, of course, includes a prediction of the possible archetype matchups and the proper sideboard plan prepared for them.

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Standard Deck Archetype Top Finishers at the Magic Online Challenge (8/22)

Another weekend means another chance to compete in Magic: the Gathering tournaments, whether in your local game store if they are now allowing face-to-face gameplay or on online platforms like Magic Online and Arena for their scheduled events. Our local Magic Iloilo also held an Arena tournament last night though I was not able to check on the results from our TO Rei.

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How to Warak the Mono-Red Aggro Opponent

In the past Magic: the Gathering Standard format metagame, there is no missing point of facing a Mono-Red aggro match in your local game store and on online platforms like Magic Arena. This deck archetype seems to stick like a piece of gum on the shoe of every metagame and is barely affected by the Standard rotation. What makes it the best deck choice among most players is its consistency and fast gameplay that will certainly catch opponents off-guard.

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Four Ways To Stop Winota Aggro Decks

The current Magic: the Gathering Standard metagame under the aggro category considers Winota decks as one of the top-tier archetypes. Aside from the main strategy of Winota trigger and Blade Historian, the deck offers versatile gameplay that makes it last for the late game. The only major drawback would be its three-color deck build which is handled by Magda and Prosperous Innkeeper. Can we conclude that it is a top-tier house aggro deck? Yes, we can. Now how do we deal with it?

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