The MTG Orzhov deck refers to a deck archetype in Magic: The Gathering that focuses on the Orzhov guild, one of the ten guilds in Ravnica, one of the game’s multiverse planes. The Orzhov guild is associated with white and black mana and is known for its emphasis on wealth, power, and manipulating spirits and souls.
In the popular Magic: the Gathering formats, Orzhov decks typically combine elements of control, life gain, and token strategies. They often utilize a mix of efficient creatures, removal spells, and enchantments to establish board control and disrupt the opponent’s game plan.
Lifegain is a prominent theme in Orzhov decks, allowing them to outlast aggressive strategies and gain significant life totals to prolong the game and win from that advantage. This archetype frequently includes cards that provide lifelink in the form of enchantments and planeswalkers and just go wide in the mid game up to the late game with the best cards from these colors that they can access.
The video is one good example of a typical Orzhov midrange deck, and this one is for the Standard format. Do check out the match gameplay below.