I went to Rei place yesterday to check on the Special Standard tournament held there that includes special promo boosters and foil Theros Beyond Death full mana art basic lands. There were about 20 players in attendance and entering the second round of competition when I arrived. After depositing my card loots from the Theros Beyond Death prerelease, I decided to crack some booster packs of the new set.
Check out the short videos of the Theros Beyond Death booster pack openings below.
I got the Rare Shadowspear along with a foil Hateful Eidolon. The equipment is currently looking for an ideal deck to be used in Standard and if ever the All that Glitters deck becomes popular then surely it will become the first choice of the sideboard to against that strategy.
Haktos was my superstar card during the Prerelease. It might see Standard play soon but you should be lucky enough on the random roll on the protection for it to be effective.
Last but not least, the Rare I’ve opened was Mantle of the Wolf. It is considered a crap card at the moment, but am planning to build a Naya-based Auras deck with Storm Herald that can bring them back in the late game. The deck list to be posted soon.
That is a wrap for the first batch of Theros Beyond Death booster pack openings. Those were average cards unlike what I opened the last time off-camera and hoping on the next I would have at least one Mythic in my packs.
Until the next blog post.