I was able to join a local Magic: the Gathering tournament again last Wednesday and all I can say is that I got very rusty. The new Standard with Theros Beyond Death looks to be more appealing to me if I have done playtesting. All I did since the start of the year was to brew possible decks and read through some of the new cards’ functionalities.
Time constraints is my main reason so just this week I decided to play and they scheduled the Wednesday Night Magic which is just coincidental.
I asked Ace for available decks and he provided me with the Rakdos Knights deck which we completed just before Theros arrived in Standard. Here below is a sample decklist of the archetype:
4 Blood Crypt
2 Castle Locthwain
9 Mountain
9 Swamp
4 Blacklance Paragon
4 Bonecrusher Giant
4 Fervent Champion
4 Knight of the Ebon Legion
4 Rotting Regisaur
4 Spawn of Mayhem
4 Stormfist Crusader
4 Drill Bit
4 Embercleave
3 Duress
2 Epic Downfall
2 Legion’s End
2 Murderous Rider
4 Noxious Grasp
2 Sorcerous Spyglass
Source: http://mtgtop8.com/event?e=24554&d=371686&f=ST
There were fourteen participants that night and I am quite happy with the turnout. It seemed that they were enjoying the new metagame of the format. Below are the results of my matchups.
Round 1 vs PR Melo (Golgari Oven) – Lost 0-2
Round 2 vs Ruel (Gruul Adventures) – Won 2-1
Round 3 vs Ralph (Mono Green Stompy) – Won 2-1
Round 4 vs Mossy (Mono Red Aggro) – Lost 0-2
Most of the losses were purely due to mana flooding even with my several attempts to randomly shuffle the deck to prevent it. I guess I just got very unlucky that time and my hands were cursed. Lol. My teammate, Ace, also didn’t win his last two matches. He was playing Blue-White Control.
Here below are the top players after 4 rounds of gameplay:
Wednesday Night Magic Tournament Results
Top 5:
After 4 rounds of awesome magic the gathering
1st AJ – Mono-Red Aggro
2nd Raymund – Mono-White Aggro
3rd Mossy – Mono-Red Aggro
4th Ace the Snake – Blue-White Control
5th Christian Wonderboy – Orzhov Doom
I do hope this player attendance can become a regular thing on Wednesday nights. The local game store really needed the support so that it could level up later on and organize higher-level types of tournaments.
Until the next blog post.