Today’s post is to share an achievement on my character in the Ragnarok Online Mobile Eternal Love game wherein it made a significant update and upgrade. That is in the terms of stats build and equipment for the purpose of PvP battle and during War of Emperium and Crystals GVG events.
Before I have been struggling as to what kind of equipment to use and given that Ancient Equipment has been introduced with the Comodo patch, it made the traditional ones obsolete. It is also needed for the character to finish the weekly dungeons of Comodo Museum and Lost Island for it to acquire the chests that can open to specific ancient equips suited for builds.
For quick build info, my Stellar Hunter is supposed to role as an SP Utility which can destroy enemy equips and at the same time deal some average true damage via Star Arrows. After the new patch was introduced, I needed to make adjustments including significant equipment refines in order to adapt to the gameplay of WoE 2.0 and also to be still relevant in the Crystals GVG battle. It was a good thing that my guildmate Sham was able to help me out on my build and did some major changes.
Here below are the videos of the two versions of the build: 2.0 and 2.5.