Tag Archives: Eldritch Moon

EMN Standard Deck Tech: R/W Angels

I am pretty much occupied with work and website projects lately and rushing to beat the deadlines. With that, expect lesser update on this blog and will probably stick with Standard deck tech posts for the meantime. For today, I am presenting to you a Continue reading EMN Standard Deck Tech: R/W Angels

MtG Iloilo Tourney Schedule August 19-20

MtG Iloilo Tourney Sched
For this weekend’s Magic: the Gathering tournament, the weekly FNM and Standard tournaments will still proceed as scheduled with Rei’s Place as the venue. I also have known that Johann Ong of Critical Hit has announced a newbie type of Standard tournament to Continue reading MtG Iloilo Tourney Schedule August 19-20

Grand Prix Portland Winning Deck

Grand Prix Portland Winning Deck
The Standard Grand Prix at Portland closed out with a win from the Delirium deck archetype. The winner. Robert Santana, played a Jund or Green Black Red version which looks to be of a midrange deck type but has a late game plan of tutoring for Emrakul, the Promised End. Continue reading Grand Prix Portland Winning Deck

Pro Tour Eldritch Moon Winning Deck

Last weekend’s major MtG happening was the Pro Tour Eldritch Moon which was held in Sydney, Australia. The PT Trophy was claimed by Czech Pro Lukas Blohon, playing Black White Control. It was somewhat an epic Finals as he faced the newly minted Player of the Year Continue reading Pro Tour Eldritch Moon Winning Deck