One of the decks that made into the Top 8 of Grand Prix Warsaw last weekend was a version of the Electrostatic Pummeler deck which shifted to Blue Green instead of the regular Red Green build. The color opened access to cards Continue reading
Tag Archives: Ixalan
My First Ixalan Booster Draft

Weeks ago, we initiated to held an Ixalan booster draft at Rino’s place and it was my first draft event of the set. My initial limited deck building of Ixalan was from the prerelease in which I played Grixis Pirates with Admiral Beckett Brass as my tribe captain/lord.
XLN Standard Deck: Sultai Energy
The first weekend of Ixalan Standard in the Starcity Games Standard Open saw the triumph of Kaladesh’s Energy in the version of the Sultai (U/B/G)Energy deck. The deck, piloted by Andrew Jessup, finished first place in the Continue reading
Quick Decklist: Temur Dinosaurs
I have thought of this version of the Dinosaurs deck in Ixalan Standard after checking some Dino build in MTG websites like Channel Fireball. R/G would be the traditional list but I chose Blue as the third color mainly because of the card Continue reading
Lightning Strike & RDW in Ixalan
This is somewhat of a news in the Reddit MagicTCG page as the reprint of the Red instant Lightning Strike was announced. Personally I would expect a better burn spell but nonetheless, it would still see its use in the current Ramunap Red deck as a replacement for Incendiary Flow. Continue reading
Card in Focus: Burning Sun’s Avatar
The Ixalan official previews are here and started last Monday at the mothership website. The foil sheet that was initially leaked online was confirmed by Wizards to be true and revealed the clear copy of the cards. That was a total of 55 cards that we revealed in advanced. Continue reading