One of the casual formats that I enjoyed before when I was just starting on playing Magic TCG was Pauper and Peasant. For reference, Pauper is an all-commons format whereas Peasant only includes six uncommons and the rest are commons. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Magic the Gathering
MtG Iloilo Tourney Schedule this Week
As per the weekly tournaments in the Iloilo Magic: the Gathering community, we will still continue with the Standard Silver & Black event every Saturday morning as we invite more newcomers to the hobby. Good thing the recruits from Central Philippine University Continue reading
Khans of Tarkir Standard: Raid in Mono Red
A few card previews from the upcoming big set Khans of Tarkir has been revealed in the recent Duel Decks edition: Speed versus Cunning. One card in particular that I have noticed was the Mardu Heart-Piercer and its mechanic, Raid. Continue reading
Magic 2015 Core Set Complete Spoiler
The mothership site has finally released and completed today the Magic 2015 Core Set Card Image Gallery. The 269-card Core Set will be out for release this third week of July with the Prerelease events this coming second week.
Continue readingWorld Magic Cup Qualifiers PH Schedule
It’s that time of the year again that I will be serious in preparation for a major MtG tournament. This event is the World Magic Cup Qualifiers for 2014. The schedule is a bit late as compared to last year’s April and June dates. The qualifiers will be Continue reading
Standard Deck Update: Rakdos Aggro
The rise of Esper back as the tier one deck of Standard made me decide on adjustments on certain decks. The first I’ve discussed was Red Green Monsters, and for this post, the spotlight will now be turned to Rakdos Aggro. First off, here is an updated decklist: Continue reading