A few card previews from the upcoming big set Khans of Tarkir has been revealed in the recent Duel Decks edition: Speed versus Cunning. One card in particular that I have noticed was the Mardu Heart-Piercer and its mechanic, Raid. Continue reading
Tag Archives: mtg spoilers
Magic 2015 Core Set Complete Spoiler

The mothership site has finally released and completed today the Magic 2015 Core Set Card Image Gallery. The 269-card Core Set will be out for release this third week of July with the Prerelease events this coming second week.
Continue readingM15 Card Discussion: Generator Servant
The upcoming coreset has got me wearing my brewing cap again, probably due to the new card strategies combined with the reprinting of old favorites. Today’s M15 card preview is another card that I think was built and would suit for Red aggro decks. Continue reading
Theros Teasers Part Two
In MaRo’s article today on State of Design 2013, he mentioned in the last part a few info on what to expect on the coming big set, Theros. These partial information grants us more hints about the mysteries of this Greek mythology-themed plane. Continue reading
M14 Card Previews Officially Started
This week is the first of the weeks of the preview season for Magic 2014 Coreset. So far it is already halfway of the total cards in the set that has been revealed. The five planeswalkers of the set is now complete with Chandra’s preview last Monday. She joins Garruk Continue reading
Two Standard Decklist for Magic 2014
Magic 2014 Core set is just around the corner and only a few weeks remain until it is released in Standard. As of this moment, a total of 158/249 cards has already been revealed in the spoilers online. The main source site Mtg Salvation is the one who’s always updated of the Continue reading