What Makes a Deck Efficient in Magic: the Gathering Tournaments

At first look, you would not consider right away a Magic: the Gathering deck build to be that of top-tier level. Like forging a sword, it must undergo playtest and games against the existing metagame decks that have been proven already to be effective and efficient.

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The Better Magic: the Gathering Deck Archetype: Aggro or Control

This question has somewhat lingered on my mind while checking on the new decks for Magic: the Gathering Standard format. Is the better of the two archetypes, aggro or control? I am by nature an aggro player but there are times that the need to be effective on the metagame is to play control or midrange decks.

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Keep or Mull: The Best Tips on Keeping an Ideal Starting Hand

Setting up a good starting hand was one of my major issues in my early days of playing Magic: the Gathering. That is because I always keep a land-short seven cards with the hopes that I will top deck my next land mana source. Most of the time it fails, and cost me the game.

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How to Prepare for your 1st Magic: the Gathering Tournament

For a first-timer, entering a Magic: the Gathering tournament is quite intimidating. I remember the first time I joined the local tournament in our area, seeing these new players got me somewhat scared in a way because of the factors of lack of card knowledge, gameplay, and rules factor.

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Tips and Tricks for Improving your Magic: the Gathering Skills

Getting better at playing Magic: the Gathering TCG is not just a walk in the park. It takes quite a lot of time and effort to study and learning not only the rules and gameplay but also in being well-rounded by the various deck strategies. Here below are some of the tips for improving your skills in Magic: the Gathering gaming.

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