I had been pondering a build for the big Red Metalcraft-based deck for Standard. We were able to purchase a set of Kuldotha Phoenix in Singapore, so my intentions on brainstorming the list arisen again. The deck’s basic strategy is to ramp up with “stones” (chalices and sun spheres) to cast the big spells while building up Metalcraft. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Scars of Mirrodin
Magic: the Gathering Besieged Standard Decks
Here is an update of the top Mirrodin Besieged-updated Standard decks in the current metagame, as revealed by the recent Pro Tour Paris and SCG 5k tourneys. To give you a quick overview, the deck tech of Blue White control which debuted in PT Paris made a quick meta change in the format and made the ramp decks look so puny. Let me give you a few decklists to start.
Continue readingMTG Blue White Robots for Mirrodin Standard
I am reviving an old list on my take on Mirrodin’s Mirran-based faction deck. Got it on a few playtest matchups, and works well against Blue-White Control. Though, it could not handle the burn of Red. Hopefully, this will improve with the coming of Mirrodin Besieged in a few week’s time.
Continue readingScars of Mirrodin Complete Card Spoiler
Its a bit late to post this one, though if you might have stumbled to my blog and needed to find a card in the recently released Scars of Mirrodin, then this post if for you. Scars of Mirrodin had a prereleased last weekend and will be officially out this coming October the 1st. The complete Scars of Mirrodin spoiler below. Source is from MTG Salvations. Continue reading
Scars of Mirrodin Announced
Just yesterday, Wizards of the Coast revealed the next upcoming big set after Zendikar. It is called Scars of Mirrodin which was previously codenamed as “Lights” (no, not the beer). The release date is October 1, 2010 and the Prerelease events will be on September 25-26, 2010. Here’s more info of the set: Continue reading