Magic: the Gathering Innistrad: Crimson Vow Set Box Opening Part 2

I can now understand that opening Magic: the Gathering booster boxes are between a hit and a miss. We opened mostly mediocre cards from the set on the first video, though it was somewhat expected because of their current value in the trading market. Even Thalia and the enemy pair lands ain’t enough on the count. Our Mythics got back some ROI as we got Olivia Crimson Bride, Henrika, and Wedding Ring.

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Magic: the Gathering Innistrad: Crimson Vow Set Box Opening Part 1

It may have taken a while, but I am happy to finally do a booster unboxing of the Magic: the Gathering Innistrad: Crimson Vow Set Booster box which I bought from our local MTG store ProReis place. The good thing was he allowed me to add me on the second batch of orders from the main distributor on this product as I failed to notify him when the 1st batch of orders was announced.

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