Magic: the Gathering ONE Standard Big Red Artifacts Deck Update

Magic: the Gathering deck brewing is an ongoing process, as you will need to continue to refine your deck and make changes as you learn more about the format and your play style. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge of the game and have fun experimenting with new strategies and cards. In formats like Standard, the deck archetypes are continuously updated with every new set released and added to the format. They are the first inline to experience the gameplay, mechanics, and other new interactions of the set.

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BRO Standard Mono-Blue Artifacts Aggro Deck – Is it a More Stable Build?

Hello Geists, how is the new year going for you so far? I hope it is good and we should welcome the year right and on the positive side of things. Anywho, this blog received good news for the start of the year which I will disclose soon. For now, we will just continue with the Magic: the Gathering deck techs in Standard and soon with Pioneer in the mix.

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Magic: the Gathering BRO Standard Take on a Fully-Pledged Esper Control

I named this blog post today for the Magic: the Gathering Standard deck tech with the key term “fully pledged” because of the reason that the recent Esper decks in the format go with the Raffine Tempo strategy. While it seems to be the best choice even with the inclusion of the Brother’s War set, there are still some valid ways to go with a straightforward control deck. That one goes with a late-game plan but holds the opponents’ early board development with efficient control cards.

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BRO Standard Mono White Control Competes to be Top-Tier Deck

Based on the recent Magic: the Gathering tournaments and events posted online from my reference website MTG Top8, I have been considering this particular deck archetype as to how it would par with the top-tier decks in the format. The deck build is Mono-White Control but this decklist I have found is having a good ratio of the creatures and non-creature spells.

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Magic: the Gathering Standard Deck Update: UW Control

Various Magic: the Gathering tournaments and events had been ongoing on various online platforms on MTG Arena and Magic Online, and the Standard results are continuously updated on the MTG Top 8 website. That is a good site to do some deck references and also get an update on what are the trending cards used in the metagame of formats like Standard and Pioneer.

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G/W/r Devilish Faye BRO Standard Deck Tech Update

The User-Submitted Decks at the MTG Goldfish website are still my haven of Standard deck ideas for each of the video deck discussions made. This is a good community initiative plus the support of the website admins to be able to cater to a defined database of these decks. A very good reference site whenever you need a decklist that is updated with the recent MTG set.

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