How Using Bicycle as a Mode of Transportation Reduce Carbon Emissions

In the urgent quest to mitigate climate change, sustainable transportation alternatives play a pivotal role in curbing carbon emissions. Among these alternatives, the humble bicycle emerges as a powerful and accessible solution. Beyond its simplicity and efficiency, the bicycle offers a zero-emission mode of transportation that resonates with environmentally conscious individuals and communities.

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Twenty Twenty-one: The Year That Was

We wrapped up another year, and find words to describe it. Let me see. The Year 2021 was challenging, sad, hectic, fast, and hopeful for the pandemic to end. I lost my two cousins and other acquaintances because of that. It was saddening, but we needed to move on. I do hope the variants would stop evolving already.

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Why Should Cities Invest in the Creative Industries

By definition and history of the term, the Creative City is a concept developed by Australian David Yencken in 1988 and has since become a global movement reflecting a new planning paradigm for cities. It was first described in his article ‘The Creative City’, published in the literary journal Meanjin. In this article, Yencken argues that while cities must be efficient and fair, a creative city must also be one that is committed to fostering creativity among its citizens and to providing emotionally satisfying places and experiences for them.

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Finally Reached 50,000 Views on my Youtube Channel

I started uploading videos on Youtube initially intended for my backup files from my digital camera way back in the late 2000s. I did not have hardware storage at that time, and so uploading was my only option. It was not as used to today, where I made it to a full-time web channel of my hobbies and related vlog stuff. That said, I am happy to share that I finally reached the 50,000 views threshold on my Youtube Channel, DeathMarked TV.

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