Mulling for Bike Accessories & Upgrade

Since starting this hobby or mode of transportation in going to work, I have been thinking on the parts and accessories that I might need in order to upgrade my folding bike. It is of a low-priced setup at the moment but I am looking to replace some relevant parts to improve my biking experience. Seeing that there is a lot of possible gears and items to choose from got me excited though not financially prepared.

I am planning to turn it into sort of a cargo bike with a saddle for my stuff and I had the recent upgrade started by having a back wheel carrier rack. I will then proceed to install a front rack and basket and a cellphone mount so that I could record my trips and maybe start vlogging about it. What I saw on Youtube is that they used folding bikes as sort of a “donkey” to carry their stuff for travelling around the country or to a foreign one.

Here below is one example:

For now, I will just have a buylist of sort and check on the reviews and compare which one is suited for my bike. A whole lot of Youtube folding bike videos and reviews to go.