Phyrexia: All Will be One Store Championships Weekend at the Local LGS

Coming this weekend is another major Magic: the Gathering tournament for the local gamestores. That is the Phyrexia: All will be One Store Championships. Store Championship is a structured, in-store tournament program that follows many major Magic: The Gathering releases. It is an opportunity for your players to prove their mettle and earn commemorative promos.This time, the preferred format approved by our TO Rei was Pioneer.

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Magic: the Gathering Standard Top 5 Cards as of December 1st Week

The local and online Magic: the Gathering tournaments are running at full blast with the various events posted and a few major events to consider. While The Brother’s War has produced a new batch of artifact-based Standard decks, the metagame that has stirred with the new set has continued to be dominated by the top-tier tri-color midrange decks. 

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The Standard Grixis Midrange I played in the Local Big Event Tourney

Good day, all. This is just a short blog post on the Magic: the Gathering Standard deck I played at Pro Reis place, and the recommended deck by my team’s card pool is Grixis Midrange. This was personally tuned by Master Oliver along with the sideboard adjusted to the current metagame, and with reference to the latest tournament results on MTG Arena.

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Magic: the Gathering Iloilo Pioneer Tournament Results (July 29th, 2022)

The Magic: the Gathering Pioneer Tournament last Friday was held with eight players in attendance and two teammates participating in the prize grind. It is a good thing that this is a consistent event despite some of the players having schedule conflicts at work or in the family.

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MTG Iloilo Tournament Results Saturday Standard (June 25th, 2022)

Last Saturday’s event was again highly participated by the local players and I can say that this has become a full-blown weekly tournament for the Magic: the Gathering Iloilo Community. Our card pool team sent out three players as Ace and I are not available to play on that day, even if it was scheduled at 2:30 in the afternoon. I guess I was swamped with the online review.

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