Flashback Friday: BR Vamps GP Singapore 2011


It is pretty obvious that the Vampire deck archetype will have a comeback in Standard in Shadows over Innistrad. As a tribute, I am recalling and sharing the decklist that I loved which gave me my first professional point in Magic in my first-ever Grand Prix

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Mono Black Vampires Deck Update

Hi all, here is a recent update of our build on Mono Black Vampires in Standard. For your info, Vampires has done pretty well in the recent Magic: The Gathering Worlds championship. It has finished undefeated (6-0) in Day 1 of that event despite being less popular with only 4 players piloting the deck.

The deck’s build varies mainly based on the meta. Well, we can say that today’s meta is still infested with variations of Jund which is still the best deck of choice. The deck will be adjusted to go anti to that. We’ve done a few playtests and tweaks to the list and here are my observations: Continue reading